Sunday, March 2, 2014

our ancestor and they buildings part 18

Our ancestor the Maltese people really did love the cave so much? that they decide to built somethings that look just like caves? these where our ancestor the neanderthal = vikings=barbarian warriors? guess in a island all they could see where rocks? so to built these city imagine an island with no more than a tribe off 100,or 1000 people?
 so we guess they first had to capture all other vikings in every tribe in europe? oops that was the time slavery was not yet started in africa? so they couldn't capture all the so called homosapien=monkey? to come and built these citys? don't wory homoneanderthal was himself at work? wauw amazing according to history book homoneanderthal didn't even had a languages?
 so how is this possible? here we have these amazing city built by our ancestors 3000 BC? could these city be more older than 3000 BC? or these citys could be built by Aliens? the one our ancestor called the stars God? in either way this was not just...
Note: please don't take these writings at heart am not an expert thank you

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